Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Question from WTM--Parenting and Church Workers

The question was asked on the Well-Trained Mind Forum about how being in the public eye at church changes or influences your parenting--in other words, do your standards change when others are looking? Here's my response (it's rough, because it was spontaneous, but I think it lays out how I feel):

Well, as a priest's wife with the Ultimate Preacher's Kid (mine is in recovery right now), I can say this--

I don't feel my standards for my kids are any different than if we were not a clergy family. I feel the standards for all Christian kids are pretty darn high. Yes, the scripture about the overseer being in charge of his family is a reality (sorry, can't remember what verse), but we are not holding high standards because of being in the public eye or because of a need to be a good example because of Dad's position.

When I feel embarrassed or worried about my kids' behaviour, and I'm aware of my own "looking around to see if anyone noticed," I count it as sin. Yep. Sin. Because I don't want to be a "whitened sepulcher," and I think clergy families who simply must appear perfect are not acting in accordance with scripture. There should be no acting involved, even if the motive for trying to appear to be what you are not is that you don't want to be a stumbling block for someone.

We have got to be real. Real clergy families are just like any other Christian family--we sin, we fall, we do wrong things. We happen to be extra aware of Grace in our family, because we so desperately need it. I'm not a model of perfect parenting, I'm not great with my Quiet Time, I'm cranky sometimes, my house can get messy, and my language can get ugly. I'm human. So are my kids, and so is my husband. What I do try to model is that, in my imperfection, I am not left to myself. I have a Great Big God who loves me as I am but wants me to grow. He works in and thru every one of my carpy decisions, failings and sinful desires. He can take anything and make it part of the beautiful tapestry he is weaving out of this world. I want my life to point to him as the one who is behind everything good and joyful and right in my life.

One of my very favorite authors is Oswald Chambers. In the wonderful devotional, My Utmost for His Highest, he talks about the Christian's life as being a highway for God. No one can stand this unless he has the Holy Spirit's help. Don't be afraid of letting your life become public. Just remember that the standard applies to all Christians, and we all fail to meet it. We are not a group that believes we can do life as it should be without God, because we are never going to reach the standard God sets, but it's ok because Christ reached it, and God sees us clothed with Christ's Righteousness. He is making something beautiful out of all of us.

Extend to others the Grace you need from them. You may get slammed, but be a model, not of perfect behaviour, but of the Perfect Work of God.


laughinglioness.lisa@gmail.com said...

Kris, I am so sorry to hear of the loss of you bil's wife. What a tragedy. It is such a comfort to konw that we are in the palm of His hand.
I apprecitae your posts at TWTM! Great idea to post each day! Can I jump in on your idea? Should we do a daily check-in?? You rock!

Chris said...

Lisa, I'm not very good at posting daily, but in the trying I've come to appreciate those who can! lol