Saturday, December 6, 2008

"It feels so good to give"

Today Nature Girl and I sort thru some of her clothes and found some to give to a friend who needs things for her littlest. We relived some memories ("Oh, remember when you wore this?" "This is so cute!" "This is the dress in the picture on Daddy's desk!" and so on), and then decided what to give. We also let go of some of my Discovery Toys samples, and one of my favorite kids' books that I had saved for a long time.

As I was going down to the basement to find another toy or two, my heart just put up a prayer--"Lord, forgive me for hoarding." I have had a hard time letting go of Nature Girl's clothes and of some of the books and toys I've kept way past their usefulness for us. NG has a whole side of her closet taken up with two big boxes of old clothes--it's so time to get rid of them!

It does feel good to give. Let's all remember that this season.

1 comment:

ohio12 said...

I hoard in this way too. I think I am being responsible and that I am going to sell the really nice stuff and get some money out of it. But it just takes up time and space. I need to let go.