Monday, December 8, 2008

I've Got So Much To Do!

I'm not feeling quite as overwhelmed as I have the past few months, but still, there's so much to do! Here's my list:

1. Christmas shopping--I love doing this, if I know what I want to buy, and if there's $. Not too bad
this year.
2. Finish things for my classroom at school--there are always games to make, and I have to make
little block people (putting photos of each child on a block and putting them in a nice basket so
they can use them in the unit blocks), block signs, and some writing table items.
3. Clean my bedroom, organizing the books, papers, and clothes that are taking over! AHHH!
4. Clean the rest of the house.
5. Organize Nature Girl's bedroom closet, as well as de-cluttering her room.
6. Finish Film Buff's curriculum planning. I have to figure out what he's doing for Shakespeare--
probably Hamlet and Midsummer, but time is getting away from me!
7. Paper work for Sky, including physician's papers that must be signed and faxed.
8. Other faxes to send including work papers and new job papers (dog sitting may be a reality).
9. Figure out how to celebrate Film Buff's graduation--ordering a diploma, too.

And that's just for starters! What's on your list?

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