Wednesday, January 9, 2008

How I Got the Title of My Blog

I post frequently on the Well-Trained Mind's homeschooling message boards, and they have requested a little more info about this blog. I am so new at this that I don't even know how to add a comment section here, so I get all the comments at the WTM board! But I'm learning.
Someone is bound to ask about the title, Twilight and Sunrise. I never know exactly how much to share publicly, but I guess it's ok to answer this one. One of my family members struggles with addiction and cannot currently live at home. It's a heartbreaker, for sure. (channeling my inner Minnesotoan--if that's even a word) I was thinking the other day about people's need to know they are loved, not because of how they behave, but because of who they are. Don't we all think, deep down, "If you knew me, could you love me?" I know that's a common thought among people who have screwed up big time. So, as I often do, I started humming a little nonsense tune and fitting words into it. I know there's a poem in here somewhere, but I got to
If you knew me, would you love me?
(then something something something,
I love you
good and bad,
light and dark,
twilight and sunrise.
Sunrise happens to be a significant place name for my loved one.
Anyway, I just thought it would be nice to make a blog about the "whole thing--" you know, good and bad, ups and downs, all the things life is.
I love that wonderful poem about life being a "dappled thing"-- what is it, "In Praise of Dappled Things?" or something like that. That's how I feel about this life--it's such a mix of that which is lovely and that which sucks. (oops--can I say sucks in a blog post?) Some people call it giving thanks for the thorns. I'm ok with that, because I know the creator of those thorns, and I trust he is good.
Thorns, twilight, shadow, sucky stuff--it's all the refining, you know. It's all used for our good. How can that be?
I just know more certainly now that God is. Just is. That's enough.
So, here's to the whole of life, in all it's murky, stinky, hilarious, beautiful, stunning, upsetting, big-deep-breath-here-we-go-ness. Gotta love it.
Oh, and the picture? One I took (yes *I* took it!) in Sweden. I just love it, and come to find out, it had the proper twilighty-sunrisey colors in it. How about that.


Anonymous said...

Hi Chris,

Great start! I love your poem. I still have the one you wrote on the stripping of the altar.


OkinawaMama said...

Yay! You did it! Now we can comment. Beautiful picture.
Laura in VA

Anonymous said...

I thought I'd link the poem you referred to, by Gerard Manley Hopkins.

Nice start to your blog; well done.

Sharon H. in IL
fellow-WTM boardie