Here's what I'm to do:
1. Pick up the nearest book (of at least 123 pages).So, I just went to the library yesterday, and books for Film Buff are all over the den table. I picked Sound and Sense, a book about poetry. Page 123 contains some of the text of MacBeth's speech after the death of his wife (has the Out out brief candle! part). Fifth sentence, ok--now here's the next 3 from SandS:
2. Open the book to page 123.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the next three sentences.
5. Tag five people.
"Macbeth's first words underscore the theme of premature death. The boy also "should have died hereafter." The rest of the passage, with its marvelous evocation of the vanity and meaninglessness of life, expresses neither Shakespeare's philosophy nor, ultimately, Frost's, but it is Macbeth's philosophy at the time of his bereavement, and it is likely to express the feelings of us all when such tragic accidents occur."
Whew. I may need help when we get to this part of homeschooling.
I don't know many blogs, but I'll tag these:
Daisy at Lesser Road Academy
That's only 4, but I hope that's ok!