Saturday, July 26, 2008

All Packed!

Film Buff takes off tomorrow to Florida, to visit with his aunties, cousins and uncles, then his Auntie L is taking him and two of the oldest cousins to Ireland! They will stay in various places and see wonderful things. He'll also get to visit his Uncle A, and see him teach his college art class at a Florida university. What a lovely opportunity. Uncle A's wife, Aunt T, actually made Film Buff his very own video on youtube, in which she gave excellent travel tips and best wishes. Everyone has really embraced him--I am so grateful. We rarely see Dh's side of the family (these particular siblings, anyway) so it is very nice that they are offering FB this gift, of a wonderful trip and TIME.

I repacked his stuff just now--we got clothes for a week into a very small suitcase--I'm proud of myself! lol Here's hoping he has a great, great time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How cool! Too bad you were not coming down too, then we could have met in person!:o)I hope he has a great time.