Sunday, March 2, 2008

Late! But Here's Our Weekly Report Feb.25-29

We've done lots of reading this week, and lots of Language Arts. Here are some highlights:

Nature Girl had a good week. We've read a lot of picture books about Judaism, as we are on the chapter about the Diaspora in History. I can't recommend Golem, but the Shabbat was quite good.

We made charoset and talked about the Jewish holidays. Passover usually coincides with Easter, but not this year. This was pointed out by a fellow WTM Boardie-- thank goodness people read this blog and correct me!
As you can see, Nature Girl is currently into Nancy Drew. She read these 3 over the last two weeks, as well as two in the Boxcar Children series. Susan Wise Bauer (of The Well-Trained Mind) says to be careful of allowing too many series books, because they can turn kids off to using their brains, as they are often not very well written. I'm ok with these two series, however, because they are wholesome, interesting, and Nature Girl reads plenty that stretches her.
We've also done some other reading aloud these past two weeks. (I'm sorry for the dark picture--I can't seem to edit it correctly on Adobe.) Coraline has got to be the creepiest book for kids EVER. Can't read it to dd at night! We are going through Mary Pope Osborne's 6 book version of the Odyssey again, and will finish that by Monday. Good read--for a younger audience than Sutcliff's Wanderings of Odysseus. We are enjoying comparing different "Cinderella" stories across cultures. Rough Faced Girl and Raisel's Riddle come from American Indian and Jewish cultures, respectively.

Nature Girl is currently curled up on the couch, on day 2 of a fever and cough. We are going to be out of town for a night, so we probably will just call it a sick day tomorrow.


Lisa~ said...

Just saw you post on the WTM forum and thought I would pop in and say hi!

I love your header picture! Its a great picture! Good school week too! *Ü*


susie said...

Passover is not always at the same time as Easter. This year, in the US, Easter is on March 23. Passover begins on April 20. The Orthodox Easter is on April 27 this year.

susie in tx
from the wtm boards

my5wolfcubs said...

A week of books! :) I love Cinderella stories from different cultures!

Chris said...

Thanks, Susie! I edited my post to reflect your correction.
