Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Music That Matters

One of my very favorite blogs is Stephanie in FL's Enduring with Grace.
What an incredible woman. She's been thru so much, but now things are looking up.
On her blog, she had a bunch of songs she handpicked--so I followed the link and made a list of my own. How fun!

One's musical choices say so much about one's personality, inner heart, inner self. I guess I'm pretty eclectic, faith-filled (by Grace alone), a searcher, a finder, joyful, irreverent...or maybe I just like guitar, piano, some clever lyrics and some humor now and again.

I need quiet in my life. I don't keep the radio on, unless I'm in the car, and I worry that I haven't exposed my kids to enough music. But when the time is right, music fills my heart with praise for Jesus, with a desire to reach beyond my own life to the life of God, with laughter and joy, and sometimes just with a deep appreciation of beauty and of the talent that can turn such deep emotions and the experiences we all share into these wonderful songs.

I was especially glad to find some Tom Lehrer to share with you LOL!
Now everybody go "genuflect, genuflect, genuflect!"

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