Friday, November 27, 2009


Just a quickie to wish all a happy TG--we have my mom and dad here from New England, and Film Buff came home, too. Nice to have a full table.
Our traditional menu:

Turkey--(usually provided by one of the boys from the Church Fair Turkey Shoot--Sky's turn this year!) Mom made the gravy.

Bread Stuffing--(I confess it's just Stovetop)

Sides--Mashed potatoes, baked corn (from Godly Man's mom), sweet potatoes, wild rice

Salad--Greens, mandarin oranges, sugared almond, cukes, with oil/vinegar/mandarin juice/sugar dressing

Crescent Rolls and Brown and Bake Rolls

This year we also had mashed carrots and turnip (sooo disgusting, but a Trevorrow tradition), and her meat stuffing, which contains the turkey stomach and liver mixed with onion, celery top, and ground beef, fried in butter. Yep--heart attack on a plate. We eat stuffing sandwiches the night before. Used to make this stuff by grinding everything together in a hand-grinder--fun times, watching it extrude...eeeww. Now Mom uses a blender.

Our Popcorn Traditon continues--We call it 3 Blessings (or 3 Corns, if you are under 5! lol). Everyone gets 3 popcorn kernals (unpopped) on his plate, and we go around the table sharing our blessings. Family counts, but you have to be specific! We are all glad Sky is home this year--it's been 3 years since he's celebrated with us--he was either in jail or in residential treatment those years, and as expected, his first blessing was that he "was out!" I cried during mine, as to be expected on my end, too...

I'm thankful for Sky and Film Buff being home, for my parents still being with us, for our dear kitty, Lydia, who, after 7 years of refusing to come down when the dog is up and around has finally overcome her fears and regularly joins us in the den and living room...

I'm thankful so much--here's to hearts of gratefulness.

1 comment:

judahmo said...

What an amazing blessing to have your family together again. Your post brought me to tears too!

I like the idea of the three blessings. I'll have to remember that for next year!