(For those of you who remember the Certs commercial...)
We've had two pretty good weeks since the last report. Now we are on break, but here are some highlights.
In History, we are just finishing the stories of Marco Polo, and Genghis and Kublai Khan. We read some really wonderful books about them, and had fun mapping various journeys and territories. I find the Silk Road fascinating, and Nature Girl was intrigued by stories of Marco Polo opening the East to the Europeans. We are also reading Heidi. Just love this story.
We also went back thru the AG and picked up some map work and this game (Fox and Geese) from the Richard the Lionheart chapter. It gave us a chance to review.
Nature Girl is making a lapbook for Bible. Here is an example of one of the mini-books. The idea originally was to give her a Bible after completing the lapbook, but I'm going to put it in her Easter Basket instead. This is the mini-book for Exodus. I'll post more pics as we go along.
We did a scavenger hunt with our Home Science Adventures kit. The idea was to gather various plant materials, then view them thru the microscope. We found everything on the list except the leaf borer. We also dissected the daffodil to see the pistil, pollen, stamen, and other parts. Pretty cool! Loving this curriculum.

Here's another lapbook mini-book--sorry I didn't put the pics in order. This one has the flaps that open, for the child to take notes or write a verse. We may go back and do that, but I just wanted to move on. Nature Girl wrote very neatly, and I didn't want to overwhelm her. She also started Christian Liberty's Studying God's Word A. I had it laying around, and decided to let her do it. It's quite simple, just reading a story paraphrased from the Bible, then answering 4 or 5 simple questions (the answers are provided for copying). She is intrigued by some of the stories we haven't covered before.

That's it for now. I'll try to be better about posting more next week!
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