Welcome to our school room!
We've been working hard!

We've changed around the schoolroom just a bit. The art area has been switched with Film Buff's desk--since Film Buff is off to college (!!!) in just a month and a week, and Sky will be coming home (!!!) the end of July, I thought it might be nice to give Sky a study place. He usually uses the dining room table, but this will allow him to be a little more organized.

Following the wall around the room, this is Nature Girl's main schooling area. It's a little "school-y," but we like the classroom feel. We changed the border around the white board, and some of the posters on the wall. Grammar definitions are to the right. We were going to paint, but never got around to it.

Continuing around the room to the right (passing the door to the workout room), you can see the Chalkboard That We Never Use, and the nature table. I painted the chalkboard our first year, so excited to have a classroom and start homeschooling. Then I realized that chalkboards are needed in brick and mortar schools because there are so many kids learning at once, and the teacher can't sit beside every one. Not the case in homeschool, of course. Anyway, it looks nice and occasionally we use it as a backdrop for a cool map or picture, or for Nature Girl to write her spelling words on. The door goes to the backyard. (And yes, I know there are multiple sentence frags in the above paragraph...)

This is a close-up of the nature table. We got rid of the paper wasps nests, some old insects and various other items. Living in the woods gives us lots of opportunity to collect specimens! Can't save them all...

We put this border around the door and Nature Girl made the little stained glass ornaments to hang up (really just plastic). I have a topper for the window that I'll eventually get around to hanging.

About 10 feet of wall (where NG has her art posted) separates this comfy couch area from the rest of the school room. (There's a pool table in the middle of the room, too.) Film Buff liked to read here when he was homeschooled. It's so bright and pretty, we decided to make this NG's art area, as you can see in the following pictures.

We have a great collection of art prints from dollar store calendars--Renoir is on the walls currently, with some Van Gogh in the corner. I used to post Film Buff's assignments on this whiteboard, but now we'll use it to post the pictures we'll do for our artist/picture study.

One of our goals this year is to actually use the fireplace in the basement! We tried it two years ago, but I think the flue was shut--can you say "Smokin'!" If you click on this pic, it will enlarge (they all will); over the fireplace is the mosaic Last Supper that Godly Man did with his dad when he was little. It's made of those aquarium-type rocks. And that's Nature Girl, of course, with an art book strategically placed in front of her face (I don't post her pic full-face). Our art shelf is crowded with materials, but we still need brushes and clay for the year. She can use the materials any time, and often does!

Finally, this large African map--I find Africa fascinating, and thought it would be fun to do a little geography of the region this year. Our friend, Bishop Nykoyoyo (and I'll check on that spelling!) runs the Chain Foundation, and we will be trying to raise a few dollars for them and send some letters to the orphaned kids there as we learn about several African countries this year.
Thanks for dropping by!