Thought I'd bang out a "weekly," like I used to do--BTW, Jessica at Trivium Academy has finally updated her blog, in case anyone is interested!
We are limping to the finish around here. I think the only thing we did consistently was math! Saxon 6/5 is going well--it's so incremental, Nature Girl gets just what she needs in little, understandable bits. She's still making about 3-4 mistakes in the "homework" section, where the meat of the program is, but these are easily corrected and more an indication of impatience than incompetence. She's on Lesson 75, which means we are done for the month of December. I think we will be done all together with the book in May, leaving some time either to go ahead with the next one or just do some "math from a different direction" iykwim.
Having finished Sign of The Sugared Plum and its sequel, Petals in The Ashes, we started Indian Captive, The Story of Mary Jemison. What a heartbreaking book--yet filled with hope and the adaptability of the human spirit. The first few chapters contain almost unbearable scenes, particularly as her mother realizes she will never see her dd again. We need to read it aloud until we get to the place where Mary (called Molly in the book) begins to adapt to Seneca life. I'll have Nature Girl finish it next week.
Rod and Staff Grammar continues to thrill me with its clear explanations, Godly tone, abundant practice--lol--Nature Girl tolerates (read abhors) grammar and does pretty well. Short lessons are the key--and doing most of it orally. We are on track to finish this also in May, if not before. I am being quite intentional with the "small things done over time lead to big accomplishments" ideal. We just started writing paragraphs--I really am thrilled, because I'm terrible at teaching writing, and this has just enough hand-holding to make it easy.
SOTW has been a bit dry--we just finished the chapter on Louis the Fourteenth, and I think we will just let it go for now. I hope to come back with renewed vigor in January. We'll have to combine a few chapters to make it thru the book by the end of the year, but that's ok. I am ordering Colonial Kids and Pioneer Family at Amazon for more activities--not real thrilled with the next few chapters of the Activity Guide.
Also starting in January, we will go thru a wonderful science book/curriculum called The Elements. Can't wait--Science mostly consists of nature study (very LCC for Nature Girl. We finished the Bird Study, but haven't really picked up anything else.
Not many pics to show this week--will post more next week as Christmas comes--hoping you all have a Merry one!